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15 Oct - In The Media

Global Handwashing Day

Did you know that the optimum time needed to properly wash and dry your hands is 20 seconds, equivalent to singing the song ‘Happy Birthday to you’? Fun fact but we thought you’d like to know that today on Global Handwashing Day.

This day has been initiated by the Global Handwashing Partnership in 2008 to simply raise awareness and understanding of the benefits of handwashing with soap. Very basic information but we believe it’s important to shine a spotlight on the state of handwashing around the world as it’s one the most overlooked yet important health-related issue.

Most of us don’t see soap and water being some kind of luxury but it’s still unfortunately the case for many Third World countries. According to a recent UNICEF, about 1.4 million children under the age of 5 die from diarrheal diseases and pneumonia that largely could have been prevented by washing their hands with soap.

Basically, clean hands save lives. That’s why we’re donating to Toilet Twinning. With every WC Suite sold, we donate to this amazing charity that improves sanitation in Third World countries, by helping build latrines and promoting hygiene principles to local communities.